Friday, April 30, 2010


The weekend! is here! Where I don't have much to do. Ha.

Today is a Teacher Work Day -- no students on campus. Also no teachers on campus too. Teachers playing hooky. But not me. I'm at the office and had 5 patients today. I imagined the whole school is getting ready for Prom, which takes place tomorrow on a freakin' boat on the san francisco bay. How romantic. How elegant. How so not like my prom at all.

Casual work day -- yeah, I actually wore this because my work place rocks despite being a health center. Professionalism in clothing doesn't mean much here.

Pant: J Crew; shoes: candie's; sweater: charlotte russe; watch: movado; cat: ill-temper

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Quiet day at work today -- always a good thing? Informed a bunch of teens on confidentiality laws and their rights as teens in the state of California. Then afterward, saw a few patients. It's winding down or appears so right now since ECW (electronic medical records) is down and we are hopeless without working technology. thus, my blog returns early.

After yesterday's victory with public speaking, my confidence was soaring. I went out to $1 sushi night with a group of acquaintances and later headed over a bar. You know when you go to a bar or a club, there's always that girl you kinda envy. The one that's always surrounded by boys and she's laughing and just eschewing confidence and never have to lift a finger to get drinks? THAT WAS ME. And it was awesome. Most people think my quiet demeanor and overall bitchy attitude is a bit snobbish, but really, I'm just shy. It's hard for me to engage in small talks and sometime, I do say things that are insensitive and offensive without realizing it. But last night was so engaging! It felt grrrreat to be the center of attention, for once.

Dress: H&M; shoes: Michael Kors; scarf: thrifted @ Goodwill; watch: had since I was 16.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

another day

Hi, hi. Back with a quick update. Busy, busy. But this is what I wore to talk to a crowd of 300 teens on teen health services, birth control, and jokes about genital herpes. I would normally wear the purple dress alone, but I didn't feel like showing the kids my goods (or lack of) today and flashing the entire assembly. Was I nervous? Hell yeah. Did I do an amazing job instead? Oh heck yeah. The audience was whooping, whoo-ing, clapping, and I even got a standing ovation at the end. Plus, several pats by teachers of "epic talk"

Dress: H&M; shirt: H&M; tights: Express; shoes: Candie's; belt: F21

Monday, April 12, 2010


Another rainy day, but I don't care. I'll dress how I want and I want to be happy. A situation of the living came up and I'm kinda stressed out about it. Worse case scenario: I don't have a place to live in 10 days. Best case scenario: I'll be roommates with my boss.


Skirt: Express (free from sister's closet); shirt: random label @ TJ Maxx; shoes: Jessica Simpson (snagged at a swapping meet); necklace: Express; belt: f21

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Wore this outfit when it was sunny out. But not today. Today is soggy, wet, and hard-assy rain. Sleets of rain. Rain, rain, go away. I'm really into stripes and ruffles, so why not combined the best of both worlds? What am I actually wearing today? Sweats. Layers of it. Hoping to hit the outlets once rain stops, but that is mostly not going to happen.

jeans: Joe Jean; gray shirt: H&M, ruffle vest: H&M, cardigan: Jcrew, belt: thrifted

Saturday, April 10, 2010


A bit colder today; rainy too. Wasn't sure what to wear except I wanted to feel a bit more girly and glamorous so the weather can't dampened (pun intended) the day. Editing footage for a video for work -- the teens were very cooperative today!

for lunch? Portobello mushroom burger. Totally veggies. I think I'm becoming somewhat of a half-vegetarian lately. I just don't feel like eating meat (...half the time)

Dress: INC international (bridesmaid's dress); cardigan: Aber & Fitch; boots: F21; belt: thirfted

Friday, April 9, 2010

A bit warm out today -- 50s in the morning, but low 70s in the afternoon. Of course took full advantage of the spring weather by donning the shorts. Some disappointment with work -- this week was slow. I'm so use to being active and busy, and then comes a slow week and nothing went right, so meh. Glad it's Friday, but dreading the weekend.

I've also been making delicious food, but unfortunately, my camera is never around when this happen. Cooking for friends is fun, as well as the partaking of wine and beer.

Shirt: H&M, Blazer: Express, Shorts: unknown, sunglasses: F21, camera: vintage

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Hi, hi. Back after a long hiatus. Was kick in the butt by work and friends. Also, for the past month or so, it's been really cold. I mean, SNOW was falling at 1600 ft elevation. Crazy. This was a really fun day -- I had a great time dressing up in a purple monochromatic theme and it just felt oh-so romantic. Luckily, there was no breeze that day. Haha.

Shirt: thifted; Skirt: F21; boots: JCREW; hat: vintage; belt: F21