Saturday, April 10, 2010


A bit colder today; rainy too. Wasn't sure what to wear except I wanted to feel a bit more girly and glamorous so the weather can't dampened (pun intended) the day. Editing footage for a video for work -- the teens were very cooperative today!

for lunch? Portobello mushroom burger. Totally veggies. I think I'm becoming somewhat of a half-vegetarian lately. I just don't feel like eating meat (...half the time)

Dress: INC international (bridesmaid's dress); cardigan: Aber & Fitch; boots: F21; belt: thirfted

1 comment:

  1. I love the fact that you wore a bridesmaid's dress! Everyone always says that "you can totally wear it again" but that's usually not true. Way to break the standard!
