Sunday, November 15, 2009

By Popular Demands (but not really)

Okay, why not? Everyone outgrows LJ at some point in their life and now is the time for a more sophisticated blog. An adult blog (no, not that type of blog); one filled with witticisms and observations of life.

Or... not. Most likely, I'll still do tons of whining and complaining except I'll whine and complain in NorCAL instead of FL.

It is now 2 months into in my AmeriCorp stint as a HealthCorp "volunteer" in Sonoma County, California. I live in the 'biggest' city in California north of San Francisco. Granted, SFB is only an hour drive from me. Believe me when I said outside of Santa Rosa, it gets pretty rural. The country roads are windy, pocketed by mists and giant redwood trees that tranverse the entire area. The smell is different -- it's cleaner, crisp -- and life seems more alive even though you might be on the road and not see a single car or house for at least 3 or 4 miles. I've discovered a renewed love for nature I forgotten about since 2007.

But other than that, work is work. It's challenging, yet boring. It's frustrating, yet deceptively simple. The website I'm designign for my clinic: -- is coming along nicely. I never would have imagine in 103241234 years that I would actually be a web designer. And that I would be creating a website revolving around sex. It's weird. It's out of my elements. The comfort zone is reduced to the size of a penny.

NorCAL is not to be taken lightly.

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